
OData with AspNet Core

In this screencast we build an OData enabled backend using AspNet Core and connect it to Kendo UI for Angular 2‘s Grid Component in only 20 minutes. If you missed the first screencast in this two-part seriers, make sure to check it out here!

Until next time, have an excellent day and a super 2017!

Structured Logging with AspNet Core using Serilog and Seq

In this episode we take a first look at structured logging from an AspNet Core application using Serilog and Seq.


Adding Serilog

Configuring the web app to leverage serilog only requires 3 simple steps. First make sure to get the nuget packages by adding these lines to your packages.json.

    "Serilog.Extensions.Logging": "1.0.0-rc2-*",
    "Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile": "2.0.0-rc-*",
    "Serilog.Sinks.Seq": "2.0.0-rc-*"

In the constructor of your Startup.cs file, configure the logger to log to both the Seq endpoint and to a rolling file, or that’s at least what I did.

    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
        .WriteTo.RollingFile("log-{Date}.txt", LogEventLevel.Information)

This assumes that you’ve installed the Seq MSI on your local machine, you can grab it from here. Finally, add serilog to the logger factory in the configure method.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

That’s it, browse http://localhost:5341 and you should see the following:

Structured Logging

To log entire objects that will be queryable, simple pass an @-sign in front of the tag name that you want to create. For instance, to log a person object and create a tag accordingly from the HomeController we do the following.

public class Person
    public string Firstname { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public HomeController(ILogger logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public IActionResult Index()
        var p = new Person { Firstname = "Ajden", Lastname = "Towfeek" };
        _logger.LogInformation("Just trying out the logger {@Person}", p);
        return View();

Which will result in the following queryable log post in Seq:


It’s really powerful to log information with rich, structured and queryable log data but there are also some downsides for the moment with using Seq that I’d like to point out.

  • Shipping logs over http/https adds extra overhead.
  • Seq Service needs to be installed on separate virtual machine than your Azure Web App (assuming you’re using Azure). Meaning you’ll need to pay for an extra VM just for logging.
  • Free license is only usable for development, can’t have open endpoints that anyone can log to in production.

Having that said, I still think the idea of structured logging is very interesting and it provides an extra dimension of information when fixing/reproducing bugs. I just won’t be using Seq in production just yet.

Until next time, have an excellent day!

Connection leaks when using async/await with Transactions in WCF

If you’re getting “The current TransactionScope is already complete” from service calls that don’t even consume transactions, you’ll probably want to read/see this.

Screencast and Code

The code can be found on github,, one change I did since the recording is that we don’t create the nhibernate factory with each call, we now use a singleton SessionManager instead. Also we’re adding the convention to the factory to never load lazy so that our Item entity don’t need to have virtual properties, which makes it easier to switch between OR-mapper implementations.

Leaking Connections

In a fairly complex distributed enterprise system we were getting some strange The current TransactionScope is already complete errors. We used transactions frequently but we saw this on calls that wasn’t even supposed to run within an transaction.

After trying almost everything we got a hint from a nhibernate analyzer product that we shouldn’t consume a nhibernate session from multiple threads since it’s not thread safe.

If you use await, that’s exactly what happens. Turns out entity framework has the same problem.

The following code in your service will leak connections if the awaited method or service call uses a database connection with EntityFramework or NHibernate.

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public async Task CallAsync()
        using (var ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
            await _service.WriteAsync();

Why Tasks in the Service Contract at all?

The lone reason for our service contracts being task based is that we use the same interface to implement our client-side proxies, which is neat, but the service doesn’t need use await because of that. This will work for instance:

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public Task CallAsync()
        // Do synchronous stuff
        return Task.FromResult(true);

or (don’t like this one though)

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public Task CallAsync()
        // Remember to copy the OperationContext and TranactionScope to inner Task.
        return Task.Run(() =>
            // Do synchronous stuff

Oh, you don’t want to return a Task if you’re not doing anything async? Do this then:

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public async Task CallAsync()
        // Do synchronous stuff

What about the warning? Turn it off with #pragma.

     [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
#pragma warning disable 1998
     public async Task CallAsync()
#pragma warning restore 1998
            // Do synchronous stuff        

You’ll probably want to wrap the entire service class with that pragma disable.


The main take away here is to simply not use async/await in your service code if you’re awaiting methods or service calls that will use database connections. The following refactoring solves the problem:

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public Task CallAsync()
        return Task.FromResult(true);

As always, until next time, have a nice day!

Distributed Transactions in WCF with async and await


See my screencast explaining problem instead:


When flowing a transaction from a client to a service Transaction.Current becomes null after awaiting a service to service call.

Unless of course you create a new TransactionScope in your service method as follows:

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public async Task CallAsync()
        using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
            await _service.WriteAsync();
            await _service.WriteAsync();            

Problem UPDATE

It doesn’t even have to be a service to service call, an await to a local async method also nulls Transaction.Current. To clearify with an example

    [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
    public async Task CallAsync()
        await WriteAsync();
        // Transaction.Current is now null
        await WriteAsync();                     

Why TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption isn’t enabled by default I don’t know, but I don’t like to repeat myself so I figured I’d always create an inner transactionscope with that option using a custom behavior.

Attempted Solution

I created a Message Inspector, implementing IDispatchMessageInspector and attached it as a service behavior, code executes and everyting no problem there, but it doesn’t have the same effect as declaring the transactionscope in the service method.

    public class TransactionScopeMessageInspector : IDispatchMessageInspector
        public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
            var transactionMessage = (TransactionMessageProperty)OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties["TransactionMessageProperty"];
            var scope = new TransactionScope(transactionMessage.Transaction, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);            
            return scope;

        public void BeforeSendReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
            var transaction = correlationState as TransactionScope;
            if (transaction != null)

by looking at the identifiers when debugging I can see that it in fact is the same transaction in the message inspector as in the service but after the first call, i.e.

    await _service_WriteAsync();

Transaction.Current becomes null. Same thing if not getting the current transaction from OperationContext.Current in the message inspector as well so it’s unlikely that is the problem.

Is it possible to create a TransactionScope in a Custom WCF Service Behavior?

Is it even possible to accomplish this? It appears like the only way is to declare a TransactionScope in the service method, that is:

    public async Task CallAsync()
        var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);
        await _service.WriteAsync();
        await _service.WriteAsync();            

with the following service contract it’s obvious that we get an exception on the second service call if transaction.current became null inbetween

    [OperationContract, TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory)]
    Task WriteAsync();

Got a link to a book posing the exact same question on my stackoverflow question. The conclusion is basically that it can’t be done in a clean way. Quoting the book:

We consider the lack of parity with standard WCF behavior introduces by async service operations a design flaw of WCF…

And then a far from ideal / insane solution is proposed.

Accepted Solution for now

It seems like the only way to make this work is to create an inner transaction, if you have a better solution feel free to comment or contact me or why not answer my stackoverflow question

Until next time, have an excellent day!

Live coding 4th session – Implementing backend with WebApi2 and EF Code First

Implemented the backend as a RESTful service using WebApi2 and persistent storage to a SQL database with Entity Framework Code First. In the next session I’ll implement support for multiple users and authentication with facebook.

Live demo @

Source code @



Forgot to setup automatic upgrading on application startup since I was using the package manager console in the screencast to setup the database. I added the following piece of code in commit 8be3b31:

Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<AppDbContext, Configuration>()); 


Until next time, have a nice day!


Keywords : VS2013, Azure, HTML5, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery Mobile, AmplifyJS, WebApi, EntityFramework