
Build automation for Angular 2 and TypeScript with Gulp

In this screencast we focus on creating a smooth workflow, we’ll build, run code analysis and serve the code, all with gulp. We also learn how to keep the browser in sync with the code. Let me know what you guys think.

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Setup npm and gulp

Start off by installing gulp globally and then run npm init to create a packages.json file. Then install the gulp modules we’ll use locally.

npm install -g gulp
npm init // answer the questions, default values are OK
npm install gulp gulp-typescript gulp-sourcemaps gulp-tslint --save-dev
npm install browser-sync superstatic --save-dev // for serving the app

Create the following files in the root directory: gulpfile.js, gulp.config.js and tslint.json

Serve the application

Now that we have everything setup, we’ll get our code analyzed, compiled, served and updated as we save changes to our files just by typing:


Pretty neat, right? I hope you guys enjoyed the screencast, until next time, have an excellent day!