
Lab days with focus on security (STS, WebApi, WCF and WIF)

Lab days once again at work, this time I focused on security. Can’t share the code this time since it contains some company confidential stuff but the diagram below basically summarizes my architecture idea.


Securing WCF service with WIF

There are plenty of blogs out there descibing how to do this so I’m not going to explain this i depth, if you however only have experience with using WIF 3.5 as me I found an excellent migration guidelines page on msdn ( We use a custom binding for tcp transport support with reliable sessions which makes you wanna kill yourself when you see the binding configuration. Due to this I can’t share the code since it is considrered “intellectual property” of Saab (me?).

Important WIF 3.5 to 4.5 change!

You could previously access the calling users claims in the WCF service by casting ServiceSecurityContext.Current.PrimaryIdentity to ClaimsIdentity. This is no longer true, you’ll get the claims by casting Thread.CurrentPrincipal to ClaimsPrincipal or Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity directly to ClaimsIdentity. For this to work you’ll also need to set <serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode=”Always” /> on the service behavior declaration. See also Dominick Baiers post for more details.

JWT, Identity Server v2 and WebApi

I’ve updated our development STS in our product at work from startersts to identityserver v2, which I thought was a great platform to continue exploring, especially since it supported to issue JWT (json web tokens). At least I thought it did until I discovered that it doesn’t! They do however have a branch that supports it and uses Microsoft JWT (

I found a nice message handler that validates JWTs which uses JSON Web Token Handler For the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 written by the security guru Vittorio Bertocci ( And as always I encountered major problems when trying to validate the JWT issued by identity server on the server-side (webapi). Victor uses windows azure ad together with Windows Azure Authentication Library which of course validates the token correctly.

I think there is a may release coming up for identity server, perhaps I’ll give it another shot then, but for now I had to use Azure AD.

The outcome wasn’t actually what I expected when I began but the road there was educative, I suggest following Victor on to keep up with the updates on the json web token handler which currently only is in the developer preview stage. It hurts to keep up and always use bleeding edge technology but hey, they don’t call it lab days for nothing. ;-)

